
The concept of posteriors is as important as the concept of modules in the borch framework. The posteriors job is to create RandomVariable s for approximating distributions. Whenever we add a RandomVariable to a Module, the posterior will pick it up and create an approximating distribution for it.

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import optim

import borch
from borch import Module, posterior, distributions as dist, infer

The default posterior for instantiating a module is the Automatic posterior that will infer from the prior what approximating distribution to use. Whenever we assign a RandomVariable to a module, that RandomVariable becomes the prior for that attribute. Whenever we assign a new prior on a module, the posterior will pick up on it and use this random variable to create an approximating distribution for it. By changing the posterior, we change the way the approximating distribution is created. The Normalposterior creates a normal posterior centered around a sample from the prior distribution.

module = Module(posterior=posterior.Normal())
module.rv = dist.StudentT(4, 0, 1)

The prior of the variable rv is a normal distribution; Normal(0, 1). The approximating distribution however is created around a mean, which is a sample from the prior distribution. For stable training the Normalposterior instantiates this normal distribution with a log_scale == -3. This is because having very wide approximating distributions gives very high variance gradients at first in training, and in order to have a clear gradient at the beginning of training, we make the distribution narrow. Over the course of training however, to find the equilibrium between divergence and negative log likelihood, we expect the width of these approximating distributions to widen.

print(f"Prior of rv {module.prior.rv.distribution}")
print(f"Posterior of rv {module.posterior.rv.distribution}")
    f"the scale comes from exp(-3): {np.exp(-3)}, and the location is a sample from "
    f"the prior. "


Prior of rv StudentT(df: 4.0, loc: 0.0, scale: 1.0)
Posterior of rv Normal(loc: 0.0, scale: 0.049787066876888275)
the scale comes from exp(-3): 0.049787068367863944, and the location is a sample from the prior.

The optimisable parameters of the module are the posterior parameters and can be accessed by .parameters()

      f"optimisable parameters of module: {list(module.parameters())}"


optimisable parameters of module: [Parameter containing:
tensor(0., requires_grad=True), Parameter containing:
tensor(-3., requires_grad=True)]

The first parameter is the loc and the second parameter is the log_scale of the q-distribution. We can update the priors of the, model without having to change the learned posterior distributions. We have a few different posteriors available:

Now we will see how to use manual posteriors in borch. Manual posteriors allows one to freely specifying the approximating distribution, where the control flow can be different compared to the model. For simplicity we will infer the loc and scale of a normal.

def forward(mod):
    mod.test = dist.Normal(5, 1)

The posterior is specified in the same way. In order for the parameters to be learnable we need to define them as torch.Parameters. The Parameter wrapper for tensors just lets the framework know that it should be returned when calling model.parameters(), and thus it is a convenient way to pass them to an optimiser.

man_posterior = posterior.Manual()
man_posterior.mean = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1)) = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1))

def forward_posterior(posterior):
    scale = torch.exp(
    mean = posterior.mean.abs()
    posterior.test = dist.Normal(mean, scale)

When a torch.Parameter is added to the posterior, it will be accessible in .parameters() or in the .parameters() of the model, thus enabling us to optimise them.

When running inference with a manual posterior, one have to run the posterior before the model each time to reninstantiate the distributions on it using the learned parameters.


latent = Module(posterior=man_posterior)
optimizer = optim.Adam(latent.parameters(), lr=.1)

for _ in range(500):
    loss = 0
    for _ in range(10):
        loss += infer.vi_loss(**borch.pq_to_infer(latent))
    torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(latent.parameters(), 1)

print('mean: ', man_posterior.mean.item())
print('sd: ', torch.exp(


mean:  5.107241153717041
sd:  0.8421353101730347

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.761 seconds)

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